
Arts - Vivaldi (Autumn) and improvisation.

Who said classical music was boring?

Play this song at home 
and try to draw or colour while listening to it. 

Just like we did in class.

Think about Autumn and its colors (brown, yellow, red, orange...).


Social Science - UNIT 1

What's the population in the Earth at the moment?


Spelling activity - let's practise!

Can you identify all the capital letters?

What about the small letters?

Now... let's practise the Spelling Bee challenge!

Also... did you know Bart and Lisa Simpson 
practise the Spelling Bee contest at school? 

Click on this link and watch the full chapter:

Listening activities - A1 level (British Council)

Let's start with easy listening activities.

How many correct answers can you get?


So, what are your names?

Please, create beautiful letters 
and decorate them with colors 
so I can learn your names as quick as possible.

Thank you!

Here you have some examples:

Resultado de imagen de NOMBRES DECORADOS    Resultado de imagen de NOMBRES DECORADOS  Resultado de imagen de NOMBRES DECORADOS      Resultado de imagen de NOMBRES DECORADOS
Resultado de imagen de NOMBRES DECORADOS     Resultado de imagen de NOMBRES DECORADOS       Resultado de imagen de NOMBRES DECORADOS      Resultado de imagen de NOMBRES DECORADOS

Let's start off...!

Your teacher needs to revise all of your books today.

Meanwhile, why don't you pick a book 
from the class library and read? 

You can draw and color something about the book later. 

For today, it can be either in English or in Spanish



We need some materials in our English, 
Natural, Social and Arts classes:

1. A big notebook for English

2. A big notebook for Natural

3. A big notebook for Social

4. A packet of 500 Navigator papers

5. Ten pieces of white card

6. An English dictionary


                    Resultado de imagen de diccionario inglés español             Resultado de imagen de diccionario inglés español


First of all... welcome!

Welcome to a new course! 
We are happy to be here, and we want to learn new things.

What about you?